The Slow Flow

January 16, 2011

Dreams and Reality

Filed under: from the soul,Straight from head — naveen gupta @ 11:55 pm
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First of all I am so sorry for not posting yesterday. I promise to make it up. Probably it was a result of being on bed and n medication that I couldn’t post.

But yeah a weekend truly spent sleeping all the while, one I always wanted. One of my friend had suggested me that probably bed rest recommended by a doc is the best time to think about your life and internalize. But however important it may be, it can never be as fun as the dreamland of mine. Oh I so much love just lying down and coming in and out of my sleep. So much love it when you are awake but stay as much in your dream.

It is really lovely when the dream and reality become inseparable. I really would appreciate it if I get to a stage when normally I attain this feeling. When your life is just a dream and your dreams become a reality. When you know that any suffering in this life is not real and when you know all the happiness in your dreams is real.

This would be what I would call the ‘Nirvana’.


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