The Slow Flow

July 9, 2010


Filed under: Poems — naveen gupta @ 11:12 pm
Should I or not
is not the question
but it rose above it
in the very beginning

Its about what and when
and why and why not
coz I see something
and others other

Its all about perception
and even when its not
its about it not being
coz finally it matters

When I tie my shoe lace
and get up from the couch
the first stretch feels like
The battle will be long

I cant stop for a while
coz its what I chose
life is not about stopping
but being on the move

When face a hurdle
dont try and play
just move around it & see
on sides another path lay

We like structure
but hate to achieve
we like what we are
unstructured jeeves

The random thoughts
should be random all
If meaning found
Its purpose totally falls

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