The Slow Flow

January 12, 2011

Standing up for myself

Filed under: My Diary entries,Straight from head — naveen gupta @ 11:49 pm
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After signing on for the ‘Post a day’ at WordPress, the whole day went about thinking about the stuff I will blog about. Already it seems that the life has upgraded from what should be my facebook status to what I will I blog about today.

So it was a plethora of topics that I siffled through over the full day but finally as it usually happens what I remember the most i.e. the latest that happened is what I am going to blog about.

So now usually my line of thinking has been to take it all unto me and give back a smile. So whether it be some sarcasm or some jibes thrown over at me, the response was always to smile or at most just be quite. In spite of it not get my heart and soul sour and never ever give it a second thought.
But just a small incident that happened while I was coming back to campus from city made me revisit my thoughts or probably my strong held beliefs. So, let me make it very clear that it’s just revisiting them and not challenging them yet.

So it happened when over a menial comment of a friend I felt a question deep inside me. Why is that even when other people may not agree with one another or may be think in some way similar to me always end up standing on the other side than where I do. So this happens every time whether I am in an argument or its just a casual jokes and comments. It inevitably happens that my friends end up on the other side and I feel alone.

So this post is not about my internalization of what is going wrong, but just a statement to me that I am bloody well sick of standing alone. So if it can’t happen that there is someone standing with me than I would better not stand there at all. So it’s a decision to not take it anymore. Coz probably my say nothing needs to be in limits after which it becomes oppression.


1 Comment »

  1. It’s better to be unhappy alone (if at all you are) than unhappy with someone !

    Comment by Anupama — January 13, 2011 @ 3:54 am | Reply

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